Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Birthday!


a couple days ago was my birthday party. I had a sleep over with Dagwood, Wayne and Eddie. We slept in my new orange tent. I heard a creepy howl and got real scared and ran out of the tent but ran into the pool. I got wet. I had to go inside to get dried off. It turns out it was only Daisy! I thought it was a wolf! But Granny said wolves don't live in these parts.

I got great presents! My friends went together and got me camping supplies and pots and pans. I like to clang them together.
Also a note was left outside my tent that said happy birthday and someone left a weird looking crossbow and fifty arrows. Granny says I can't use it unless she/he's there with me.
I still don't know how they got into our backyard? Everything is fenced.

Dagwood told us creepy stories all night and I got so scared, I peed. Don't tell Granny or the guys.
I had a great birthday party!

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