Friday, August 20, 2010

Beach and Fort Adventures


I'm Stupidman. Me and Granny went to a fort and the beach last week. The beach was nice. I brought Lily and Daisy. I dug holes in the sand but no one fell into them this time. Granny told me to suntan lotion but I forgot and turned red.
At the fort, I got to try on a soldier's coat. It got stuck on me and I panicked. Granny had to take it off. I also ran in front of the soldiers while they shot their guns off but I didn't die. I only pretended to be fake dead. Granny was mad and so were the soldiers.
I stuck my head inside a cannon when the soldier was about to fire it off. He yelled at me to 'get my head out idiot', so Granny pulled my head out.
So that's about it from me,

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