Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Birthday!


a couple days ago was my birthday party. I had a sleep over with Dagwood, Wayne and Eddie. We slept in my new orange tent. I heard a creepy howl and got real scared and ran out of the tent but ran into the pool. I got wet. I had to go inside to get dried off. It turns out it was only Daisy! I thought it was a wolf! But Granny said wolves don't live in these parts.

I got great presents! My friends went together and got me camping supplies and pots and pans. I like to clang them together.
Also a note was left outside my tent that said happy birthday and someone left a weird looking crossbow and fifty arrows. Granny says I can't use it unless she/he's there with me.
I still don't know how they got into our backyard? Everything is fenced.

Dagwood told us creepy stories all night and I got so scared, I peed. Don't tell Granny or the guys.
I had a great birthday party!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's My Birthday! :)


it's my birthday today! I'm 25 today! Me and Granny rode bikes to a park where we had a picnic. Granny packed sandwiches, cake, and cupcakes. Then we went to a store and bought ice cream. A stupid wasp tried to steal my ice cream but I brought my zapper and zapped it so it flew away.

Granny bought me a segway-it is fun to drive. I fell off of it twice, but don't tell Granny! She/he also bought me a toy orange car, my own orange camping tent, a new gold fish and a hand knitted orange sweater!

Dagwood and friends are coming over on the weekend to give me presents.

Now I'm at home and tired from the bike riding. It was a fun birthday!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Beach and Fort Adventures


I'm Stupidman. Me and Granny went to a fort and the beach last week. The beach was nice. I brought Lily and Daisy. I dug holes in the sand but no one fell into them this time. Granny told me to suntan lotion but I forgot and turned red.
At the fort, I got to try on a soldier's coat. It got stuck on me and I panicked. Granny had to take it off. I also ran in front of the soldiers while they shot their guns off but I didn't die. I only pretended to be fake dead. Granny was mad and so were the soldiers.
I stuck my head inside a cannon when the soldier was about to fire it off. He yelled at me to 'get my head out idiot', so Granny pulled my head out.
So that's about it from me,

Monday, August 2, 2010

Camping with Granny


I'm Stupidman. I went camping this weekend with Granny. I played in the waterfall. I tried to climb it but fell. I tried to drink out of the water but Granny said no.
It was a fun trip until the night time came. When Granny and I were going back to camp, we heard rustling in the bushes and we saw two beady black eyes. I threw a rock at it. It hissed. I ran to the tent.
Then at three in the morning we heard two screams and one squeal that sounded like a pig. Then something ran past our tent giggling and evil cackling. I was scared so I grabbed my axe.
The rest of the night was peaceful. But I was scared. Then we went home.
Granny says he/she is taking me to a fort and a beach next week. Can't wait!