Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gnome in Bed and Kitten in Garden

I'm Stupidman. I can't get to sleep. So I'm using Granny's computer.
Granny told me it was Daisy who brought the gnome into my room. I think she did it to scare me!
This is my new kitten. I found it in our garden. It was squeaking. I'm going to ask Granny if I can keep it. I'm going to call her Squeak Toy. She is so cute. I think she's a she? I hope.


  1. Stupidman, do you like honey?

    -The Collector of Weirdness

  2. Hey Stupidman! Why were Gnomes 1 though 6 afraid of gnome 7?
    Answer: 'cause seven eight nine.

    Andrew (By the way, the "A" is silent)
