Monday, July 12, 2010

Granny's July Tea Party


the party was fun! The cake was delicious. I ate alot of treats. Then I puked.

I threw balloons in the pool and jumped on them. I went under water and popped one.

Then I went into the house and got Sharky and threw him in the pool. It hit Granny in the back and she/he got mad and told me not to throw my toys. But I told her/him it wasn't a toy and everyone screamed and ran out of the pool. They scared Sharky and he bit me but I didn't tell Granny because she/he would get angry at Sharky.

Granny told me to get my scythe and pitch fork because Tanktop Tammy had come. I wanted to use my torch but Granny said no because it was day time. I threw my pitch fork and hit SuperDuper in the leg and I went to hit Tanktop Tammy in the neck with my scythe but she grabbed it and wouldn't let go. I was scared and yelled for Granny.Then the whole party came to get her but she threatened us and I was scared. Then Lily jumped down from the trees and bit Tanktop Tammy on her meaty neck and Tanktop Tammy ran away.

At midnight I woke up and heard a shot. I asked Granny what happened and she/he said I shot at Tanktop Tammy and I said good. Then I went back to sleep.

ps I wasn't really in those balloons from before!


  1. Thanks for the wrestlin Stupidman. I always did like a good wrestlin match. And Lawnboy Larry be too delicate to match with the likes of me.

  2. Hi Stupidman, you're a lucky star!
