Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gnome in Bed and Kitten in Garden

I'm Stupidman. I can't get to sleep. So I'm using Granny's computer.
Granny told me it was Daisy who brought the gnome into my room. I think she did it to scare me!
This is my new kitten. I found it in our garden. It was squeaking. I'm going to ask Granny if I can keep it. I'm going to call her Squeak Toy. She is so cute. I think she's a she? I hope.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gnome Nightmares


yesterday Granny brought home 10 new garden gnomes. I had to help put them in the yard and it took all day and now my back hurts. Last night they gave me nightmares. The sleeping one popped up on my bed. And it wasn't a dream! Creepy.
The top one is my favourite, Granny's favourite is the bottom one and the middle one was on my bed last night.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Granny's July Tea Party


the party was fun! The cake was delicious. I ate alot of treats. Then I puked.

I threw balloons in the pool and jumped on them. I went under water and popped one.

Then I went into the house and got Sharky and threw him in the pool. It hit Granny in the back and she/he got mad and told me not to throw my toys. But I told her/him it wasn't a toy and everyone screamed and ran out of the pool. They scared Sharky and he bit me but I didn't tell Granny because she/he would get angry at Sharky.

Granny told me to get my scythe and pitch fork because Tanktop Tammy had come. I wanted to use my torch but Granny said no because it was day time. I threw my pitch fork and hit SuperDuper in the leg and I went to hit Tanktop Tammy in the neck with my scythe but she grabbed it and wouldn't let go. I was scared and yelled for Granny.Then the whole party came to get her but she threatened us and I was scared. Then Lily jumped down from the trees and bit Tanktop Tammy on her meaty neck and Tanktop Tammy ran away.

At midnight I woke up and heard a shot. I asked Granny what happened and she/he said I shot at Tanktop Tammy and I said good. Then I went back to sleep.

ps I wasn't really in those balloons from before!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Canada Day!


yesterday we went to the beach and it was alot of fun! Granny wanted to go to the forts but I wanted to go to the beach, so we went to the beach.

Granny bought me a blow up boat which I really liked. Daisy was trying to bite it.

I dug three holes in the sand and put leaves over top. I watched as two teenagers, a couple, a patrol officer and a little kid fall in! Luckily Granny didn't fall in because she/he gets mad.

Daisy peed on the little kid that fell into the hole.

The couple that fell in the hole attacked me but Granny shooed them off me with her/his umbrella.

When we got home Granny made a cake and it was yummy. It was strawberry and vanilla.

Happy Canada Day!