Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I like balloons and cake

Hi there,

Granny is busy planning the annual July Tea Party. I like this party because

last year I got to chase out someone with a pitch fork and torch! And I got to eat lots of treats. I'm going to eat the pretty white flowers on the cake. Granny says they are made of candy but I will eat them anyway. Granny says not to eat too much because I will puke like I did last year.

I really like balloons. I like to hide in them and jump out at people when they come over. I also like to jump on them and smash them with my face. But sometimes that hurts and I cry and Granny says I told you so.

Granny won't let the puppies come to the party, she/he is afraid they will eat all the food. Same as Tanktop Tammy.

Granny is making me clean up the whole yard.

This is a picture of the pretty cake I will eat. And here are the ballooons I will smash my face on.

Can you see me hiding in there?


  1. Ahhh, Stupidman! You're a man after my own heart - now stop it! I need it to keep breathing.
    By the way... are you hiding behind the black balloon?

  2. I thinks you be hiding behind that there green balloon. And yes I'll be comin to your party!
    The torch last year burned my butt real nice like.
    Later loser,
    Tanktop Tammy

  3. no, not the black one. Look harder!

    Tanktop-get away from me, you stupid loser. No, not the green balloon either! hehehehe
