Thursday, June 3, 2010

Puffy in Aquarium and Sharky in Kiddie pool


Granny found my shark. She/he got real mad. Granny made me clean out the whole pool and put Sharky in a kiddie pool and Puffy the puffer fish in the aquarium in the house.

I don't know why Granny got mad, because he/she said no animals in the pool but she/he didn't say no to fishies.

And Sharky was having fun eating my meat men too! I will miss him. But I will put a little duct tape boat in the kiddie pool and still feed him little meat men from it. He'll like that.

Before Granny found Sharky, I was playing with him and had a bloody nose and Sharky went crazy! It was funny. He kept biting me.

Daisy, my new puppy got into the garbage again! That was funny, but Granny got mad. And Lily loves to bark! Which drives Granny crazy! I think it's funny!

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