Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

this is Stupidman. I have been busy trying to catch Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve I saw Santa putting gifts under our tree so I whipped a piece of coal at his head. And then when I ran over to see what he looked like, I fell asleep.

Rat and Pig gave us the tree.
I made a big snowman outside and when I woke up in the mroning, it was wearing armour and holding weapons!

Christmas dinner was tasty! Granny is a good cook! For presents I got a train set, a remote control helicopter, a sling shot, a pack of marbles, some hand-knit mittens and hat made by Granny, a fishing rod and a fishing kit. Pig and Rat gave me a mace and a chain mail helmut.

I gave Rat and Pig two remote control cars so we can all race together. I gave Granny a cook book on how to make gingerbread men.

I had a very good Christmas!

ps Granny has a bump on her head

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