Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

this is Stupidman. I have been busy trying to catch Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve I saw Santa putting gifts under our tree so I whipped a piece of coal at his head. And then when I ran over to see what he looked like, I fell asleep.

Rat and Pig gave us the tree.
I made a big snowman outside and when I woke up in the mroning, it was wearing armour and holding weapons!

Christmas dinner was tasty! Granny is a good cook! For presents I got a train set, a remote control helicopter, a sling shot, a pack of marbles, some hand-knit mittens and hat made by Granny, a fishing rod and a fishing kit. Pig and Rat gave me a mace and a chain mail helmut.

I gave Rat and Pig two remote control cars so we can all race together. I gave Granny a cook book on how to make gingerbread men.

I had a very good Christmas!

ps Granny has a bump on her head

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Guinea Pigs


this is Stupidman.

Yesterday I was playing in my treehouse and my snowman threatened me. Pig and Rat told me that snowmen can come alive and strangle you, so I didn't give it any arms but I was still scared because it still has teeth! I put vampire teeth in it's mouth. I was so scared, that I didn't want to leave the treehouse.

Then I smelled cookies! I looked out the window to see if it was the snowman who left the cookies, but it was Granny. So I jumped down and squashed the snowman's body! Now I'm not afraid and I have yummy cookies to eat!

This morning Pig and Rat came over to play with me. They gave me a box and I thought it was cookies. I opened it up and saw two guinea pigs. I named them Blonde Hair Guinea pig and Red Hair Guinea pig, but Granny thought those names were stupid and renamed them Caroline and Winnifred. They are pretty names too!
bye bye,


ps Don't eat the yellow snow! I found that out this morning. It tastes awful. Not at all like lemons.
psss I think the snowman peed when I jumped on it and it went squish.