Tuesday, October 12, 2010



this is Stupidman. Granny made a feast last night, he/she made all my favourites. Everything was very yummy. She/he even made me fish. Granny told me not to drink the wine but Pig and Rat and I snuck a taste in the kitchen and spit it out. It tasted gross.

Rat's pet rat kept trying to get at the turkey. It was very funny. Pig's pet pig kept making funny noises. I think the pig was drunk because Pig kept feeding it wine and it couldn't walk a straight line.
So Granny put them both outside with Hagface and Lily and the dogs. When I called my dog Lily to come in, the other human Lily would come in too. She smells really bad. And Hagface licked my ear. She said I had mashed potatoes in it.

My fingers hurt. I kept trying to put out the candles with them. Rat and Pig say to put water on it. Pig can put candles out with his fingers and it doesn't hurt him. Granny says I need new friends.
