Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tree House, BBQ and Chicken


Me and Granny went to Dagwood's BBQ last week. It was fun! But Tanktop Tammy and Lawnboy Larry were mean and ate all the food and drank all the beer. I wanted to try the beer but Granny said no. I snuck a taste and put the rest on the table and Tanktop Tammy drank it.

Lawnboy Larry made a death threat. I will take revenge.

I finished my tree house! With the help of the fairies! I found two fairies sleeping in it. They had a magical pig and a magical rat. They flew out the window. I heard squish. Daisy and Lily chased them. I like my tree house. I like to swing on the tire swing.

Granny's baking pies again. She/he let me lick the bowl!

Granny found out about the fence-oh oh! And a chicken ran into our yard. Me and Daisy and Lily chased it.



Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tree House and Pumpkins

I am building a tree house! All by myself. With instructions I got off the internet. It's going to be a very cool tree house with lots of cool colours and fish stuff. Granny's going to make the fish stuff.
I'm hoping to have it done before Halloween so I can decorate with pumpkins.
It is hard to build a tree house but it is fun. Don't tell Granny where I got the wood! (it's from the fence-tehe) I will replace it when I'm done. Granny supplied alot of the wood but I needed more!

The pumpkins I planted over summer are getting very big. Granny gives me a small section of her/his garden for my stuffs.

I like playing in the mud when it rains.

I will be putting my camping gear inside my treehouse and have sleepovers with Dagwood and gang.

I got to run, Granny's calling!