Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Inground pool and sharky

this is Stupidman,

we just got an inground pool! I've been playing with the puffer fish alot, which kind of hurts. And I've been playing with all the other animals too. The puppies don't like the water much though. Granny said no animals allowed but fishies aren't animals so I'll keep the puffer fish. Granny got me a blow up boat with paddles. I paddle all around the pool in it and put the puppies in there with me too. I bought a little fishy called a shark for the pool. It really likes to swim around my boat. The shark attacks my boat and that makes me giggle. I throw tiny little meat men at it and it goes crazy. I took all the fishies out after I put in the shark, cause for some reason the shark kept trying to eat them.
I like the hot tub alot. It's so warm in there, it makes me pee!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Getting Caught


this is Stupidman! Granny found my puppies! At first she/he was real mad but now she/he loves them so. She/he made me clean up the mess in her/his garden. That was not fun.

Today we are going on a hike! I like hikes! We're taking my new puppies with us.

I have a new fishing rod and I might fish today too. I won't be collecting any pretty green leaves today though because Granny says it's called poison ivy. But I still think it's pretty and still want to touch it!
Here is a picture of my cool fishing rod! It looks like a gun. I like to aim it at people. That's fun!
Good-bye from,

Friday, May 14, 2010

This is Stupidman. I just got puppies! Don't tell Granny. I found them in a barn. The one with the big tongue I have named Lily and the other one I named Daisy. They are so cute! I'm going to keep them forever and ever.
By the way, I put my puffer fish in Granny's fountain and boy did he/she get mad! I had to take it out again and got pricked by it. Ouch. Nasty fish but I still love him.
Remember not to tell Granny about the puppies!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Puffy and The Green Leaves


this is Stupidman!

Granny grounded me from using the computer because I planted my pretty green leaves in her/his garden. For some reason my pretty green leaves made Granny all itchy, and she/he was really mad. I thought it was funny! Oh well.

I'm back.

All week, I had to pull out all my pretty green leaves from Granny's garden. I will plant them in a neighbour's backyard.

Granny got a new fountain but hasn't put any fishies in it. I told her/him to put big fishies in it. I really want to fish in it! But Granny said no. We'll see.

I found this pretty fish yesterday. Every time I try to pet him, he blows up and is prickly. Ouch!
I named him Puffy!