Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Party

this is Stupidman. Granny and me had a big Halloween party on Saturday night! I dressed up as a merman. I looked really neat. Granny was a druid with flowers. We had lots of guests and they looked really cool in their costumes. We played games and ate lots of treats. I'm still feeling sick.
I dressed up my puppy Daisy as a flower dog and my puppy Lily has a merdog. They looked very cute. Mr Rat dressed up his pet rat as a ninja and Mr Pig dressed up his pet pig as a samarai. They looked adorable.
But the rat jumped onto the pig and the pig squealed and ran. Granny was unhappy but I thought it was funny.
Then we heard rustling in the bushes outside so Rat, Pig and I went out to see what was there, but it was just one of the cats. Pig and Rat tackled it and put it back inside the house. Pig and Rat say there are wolves outside at night. I was scared. But I'm not scared of the decorations anymore!
bye bye,