Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hi, I'm Stupidman,

Me and Granny went on a camping trip. We roasted marshmellows in the fire, and went canoeing and went for a hike and picked pretty flowers. Granny got some nice flowers, but look at what I got! Pretty green leaves! I tried to eat them but my tongue got itchy. Granny tried to stop me but it was too late. And now Granny's itchy too and really mad. Ohoh.

But it was a fun trip!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Catching a Bird


I climbed a tree today! But it broke. Plus it angered Granny! Granny threw me into my detention room, and wouldn't let me out! Finally Granny let me out. So I ran into her/his room, and hid under her/his bed. Waited 'till Granny went to bed, (which is usually 6:00 pm) then I jumped on Granny, and screamed "I FROG BOY!" Granny almost had a heart attack. Tehe.

Bye all.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The First Time Stupidman Caught a Fish

Hi, I'm Stupidman!

I caught a big blue fishy!
I brought it home to ol' Granny! S/he chopped it up, and fed it to me. It was delicious!

Tomorrow I'm going to catch some MORE!
